ADHD Coaching for Leaders & Professionals


The Global Creative Blog

Your Unconventional Methods are Key to Creating Positive Change: Principle III

the third installment of my positive change initiative

Global Creatives can discount their unconventional methods and focus on trying to adapt to more conventional standards, burning precious bandwidth along the way. Those of us with ADHD can be so busy focused on getting stuff done at any cost that we downplay our unconventional and unique approaches to getting that stuff actually done! As you go through your day pay attention to the unorthodox add-value actions and approaches that you and others may be taking for granted. They are the key to the change you want to create.

Cam shares in the video how, as a young student, he was convinced others were given some magical owner’s manual for daily success. Pursuing this manual took his attention away from exploring his own unique way of operating in the world. It was only when he turned his attention to these uncommon traits that he started to create real change for himself. Unconventional methods are unique add-value thoughts and actions - the sudden spark of insight, the solution that is only clear to the Global Creative. They are tethered to strengths and also tethered to our unique brain wiring - our neurodiversity.

In addition to discounting these methods we can also struggle to articulate the value to others around us. In the video Cam also shares how a former client is let go from his organization because his unique offering was not counted in the organization’s conventional measurements of success. Others can not know our value unless we advocate that value - a forthcoming principle.

Cameron GottComment