ADHD Coaching for Leaders & Professionals


The Global Creative Blog

ADHD, Leaders and Transitions

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

-Japanese Proverb

Transitions are difficult for those of us with ADHD. A car’s transmission or gear box is a handy metaphor here. Often we can become stuck in one of two gears: the neutral gear of "the planner" or the 5th gear of "the doer" with little access to the gears between the two. This inability to access other gears tends to keep us stuck in either a pre-action or reaction mode.

These two modes create additional problems for decision-makers and leaders.

  • A leader stuck in pre-action will convey an image of inaction. Effective leaders are willing to get their hands dirty and pitch in. Also, hesitation or indecision will not cultivate confidence from others.

  • A leader caught in reaction mode will have their team in a constant vigilante stance ready to battle the next crisis. This will wear a team out and cause undue organizational stress. Furthermore a team lead by a responder will undervalue the long term initiatives with bigger payoffs beyond the immediate time horizon.

In this episode we discuss how to identify which gear you tend to be stuck in, and how those of us with ADHD can begin to access the gears between neutral and 5th. A leader discovering their own 2nd gear can have lasting benefits.

Cameron GottComment